Tuesday, May 5, 2015

19 of Top 20 Tourist Destinations That Look Like Another Planet

19) Death Valley

Death Valley is a desert valley, known as the lowest, driest and hottest area in North America, the valley is located in Eastern California. The valley’s Badwater Basin is the point of the lowest elevation in North America, which is at 282ft below sea level.

Death Valley is a desert valley, known as the lowest, driest and hottest area in North America, the valley is located in Eastern California. The valley’s Badwater Basin is the point of the lowest elevation in North America, which is at 282ft below sea level.

20) Seven Colored Earths

The Seven Colored Earths are a geological formation found in Mauritius. It is a small area of sand dunes that contain seven different colors, red, brown, violet, green, blue, purple and yellow. The sands have formed over time from the decomposition of volcanic rock gullies into clay, and the different colors have been said to be the consequences of molten volcanic rock cooling down at different temperatures.

The Seven Colored Earths are a geological formation found in Mauritius. It is a small area of sand dunes that contain seven different colors, red, brown, violet, green, blue, purple and yellow. The sands have formed over time from the decomposition of volcanic rock gullies into clay, and the different colors have been said to be the consequences of molten volcanic rock cooling down at different temperatures.

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